Scott Hahn began his career in ministry as a Presbyterian minister out to show Catholics the error in their ways, but his biblical and historical detective work led him to the conclusion that the Catholic Church was the historical church of the bible. In 1986, Dr. Hahn joined the Catholic Church and has since come to be known as ‘Luther in Reverse’ due to the large number of protestant pastors and bible scholars who have followed him on the journey home to Rome. The recording of his conversion story A Protestant Minister Becomes Catholic is one of the most circulated and listened to Catholic audios over the past 20 years. In our interview, Scott talks about the legacy of John Paul II, his favorite Saint, and his new book, Reasons to Believe. |
In this interview, Kimberly Hahn (wife of Dr. Scott Hahn) talks about her new catholic bible study book and DVD, Chosen and Cherished - Biblical Wisdom for Your Marriage. This book is an extension of the More Precious Than Jewels study that she did on Proverbs 31 over 16 years ago. Her new study is the beginning of a 4 part series that is intended to be published over the next 3 years, although there are no contracts setting a definite timeline. In the first study, Kimberly talks about the challenges of marriage and balancing commitments to our spouse, our children, and our Lord. She talks about fighting fair, dealing with children, forgiveness, and how to help your marriage not just survive, but thrive. |
In this interview, Christopher West talks about his book The Love that Satisfies. He discusses how the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI are just an extension of the Theology of the Body taught by Pope John Paul II. He explains how Eros love is an essential part of Agape love, and he promotes a proper understanding of the Christian search to find the love that satisfies. |
In this interview, Maryanne Raphael tells us about her personal experiences with Mother Teresa and the things that she learned from “Mother” during the time she spent with her. She discusses her time spent in Calcutta, and her trip to Rome for Mother Teresa’s beatification. She also tells many personal stories about Mother Teresa and shares ones that surprised her the most. |
We have been privileged to have Jeff Cavins as a guest for two interviews so far. In the first interview, Jeff Cavins talks about Adventures in Revelation, the latest installment in the Great Adventure through the Bible series. Jeff discusses the church approved method for scripture study, the symbolism in the book of revelation, and his reasons for growing a beard. He also tells about the history of revelation and what makes Adventure in Revelation different from other Revelation bible studies on the market. In the second interview, Jeff Cavins and Dr. Tim Gray Talk about Adventures in Matthew and Adventures in Exodus from the Great Adventure through the Bible series. This episode was inspired by listener feedback asking for more info on the Adventures in Matthew. The listener noted that this year’s readings are from cycle A, which focuses primarily on the Gospel of Matthew, and they wanted to have a good bible study to go along with the readings for the year. Jeff and Tim talk about Matthew being the teaching gospel and the catechism for the early church. They discuss how Matthew points to Jesus as the new Moses and the heir to the Davidic Kingdom. |
Are you tired of the same old garbage on the morning radio? Well look no further because Rosary Army and SQPN are here to save you from the mundane morning drive. Check out their shows for an uplifting and faith filled way to spend you drive time, laundry time, or any time that you have to spare. They offer the best Catholic pod casts around. In today’s interview, Greg and Jennifer Willits talk about the creation of their online outreaches and several of their outstanding programs. You will also be treated to information on the brand new That Catholic Show DVD. That Catholic Show is a series of short programs on basic matters of the faith, however, it is not your typical Sunday school video. They draw stylistically from the Food Network (thanks Alton Brown), the Discovery Channel, and many other modern That Catholic Show DVD - Season 1 |
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