Monday, February 25, 2008

Color Me Berry

What Color Sharpie Are You? (25 Different Colors) Updated Again!

Berry Sharpie
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Gemstone: Alexandrite
Some Qualities: Courage and Healing.Fact: Alexandrite was named in honor of Alexander II, because it mimics the Czarist imperial colors.
Take this quiz!

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Of all the hundreds of Sharpie markers I've ever owned, I must admit--I've never owned a "Berry" one. Time to stop at the teacher store, I guess.

H/T SFO Mom for the link


Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

That's OK. I don't have a blue one, though I have plenty of other colors!

Susy Q said...

That's so fun! I'm addicted to quizzes like that. One I took told me I was something along the lines of a "blog-aholic" :)