Wednesday, September 05, 2007

In the cross hairs

That's where you'll find little, ol' Aurora, Illinois these days. It seems that the grassroots movement to stop the PP abortion clinic from opening is making some people a little bit nervous...

And here’s what Pl*nned P*renthood President Cecile Richards wrote in an e-mail alert sent out today (emphasis added):

Ground zero in the fight for women’s access to reproductive health care just landed in a town in the middle of America.

Aurora, Illinois.

Aurora’s not really a town. It’s a fast-growing city outside Chicago where Pl*nned P*renthood just built a large clinic. And ten days ago, the usual suspects in the anti-choice fringe showed up in droves—and by droves, I mean more people are protesting this clinic than we’ve seen for a long time.

I’m not sure how you square the idea that we’re the “fringe” with the idea that we’re “showing up in droves,” but Richards is right—Ground Zero in the abortion battle has become Aurora, Illinois.

You can read the full text of the Families Against Pl*nned P*renthood organizer Eric Scheidler's post here.

**Prayer Vigils Continue**


Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Bishop of Joliet, has requested a day of prayer and penance on Friday, September 7th, for the promotion of a Culture of Life and an end to abortion. As one of many responses to this request, a Candlelight Vigil will be held at the Planned Parenthood Aurora abortion site on that day, starting at 9:15PM. The facility is located at 3051 E. New York St., Aurora, IL.

This special Vigil will unite Catholics from the Joliet Diocese and all people of good will in public witness to the power of prayer.

The Vigil provides a supplement to–not a replacement for–the many parish commemorations of the September 7th day of prayer and penance.

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