Friday, May 09, 2008

So that's how we know her...

Me: So, after Mass on Sunday, we're bringing coffee and donuts over to Grandma's house so that
we can visit with her for Mother's Day.

Beulah: (having a hair-color-related moment) Wait a minute! So you mean that Grandma is Dad's


Lisa@UnexpectedJourney said...

That's too funny!

Anonymous said...

You gotta love kids' "a-ha" moments! (I always think, "Goodness, do we have to spell out EVERYTHING for you?!")

Faith said...

Love it! I had a similar conversation with my niece when she was about 4 - we were in the car with my Mom - and when I called her "Mom" - she immeadiately yelled out, "That's not MOMMY - that's GRANDMA!!!" I got such a kick out of it, I proceeded to tell her that her DAD was actually my BROTHER.... :-)

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

LOL! We had a big conversation on the way home from Adventure Boy's baptism on just this subject..."Mom, is Adventure Boy my god-brother?" (I guess so!) "Who's your godmother, Mom?...Who's your mother? Who's your sister?" He knew most of these answers already but I think he just needed to put it all into place.