Friday, November 03, 2006

Tacos for dinner

Not really news of note, but each time I've called my dear husband today to give updates on our court situation, I apparently make note of this. Sorry, dear. So, I told him on my next blog entry I would mention that we were having tacos for dinner. (At this point, he's probably sighing and shaking his head that I actually did just that.) But, the REAL reason for this subsequent posting today---after receiving such good news is to announce that we ALSO have an EMBASSY DATE!!! Our embassy date is on November 29th. The boys need to arrive is Addis no later than November 28th and can depart for home (what a nice ring that has) as early as December 1st. If memory serves from other traveling families, they could be home as early as December 2nd! We always believed we served a God of miracles, now we know for sure.


Anonymous said...

Hope the tacos were yummy! :) Congrats on the great news! I'm so excited about your embassy date assignment, too! I remember when we got our embassy date. (Sigh) Let me guess... suddenly now, you've got a million things to do before they leave for Addis! We prayed a family rosary for your family tonight. It was much interrupted by wiggly kids and twirling rosaries, but hopefully it helps in some way.

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...all I can say is keep on praying-wiggles and all!