Tuesday, November 06, 2007


While leisurely mixing up cream cheese icing to top some delicious pumpkin squares (recipe to follow), and talking to H about the Ethiopian "Word of the Week", CB took it upon herself to feed Baby T an entire container of his favorite flavor of Trix yogurt.

It was quite apparent that someone was very, very spoiled.

I'm a lucky (perhaps even just a teensy little bit spoiled) mommy, aren't I?


Mama of 5 said...

Can CB come and live with me?

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...


There are days when I'd have to consider that offer pretty carefully...Just kidding...She is ONE of a kind, our CB!


Life in Fitzville said...

Awww... I have one like that. I figure one out of 7 isn't too bad ;)

Did you get any pictures of that? Too cute.