Monday, June 02, 2008

Making a House a Home Challenge-Week 1

I'm not sure that my work here is going to win any prizes, but for me, it's about changing my perspective on how I view our home. It's not just about keeping the house clean and tidy (although, trust me with eight people on the Ark, we do our share in that department!), but it's about simple ways that we can be good stewards of that which God has generously given to us. It's about creating a home that gives glory to God in all of the little nooks and crannies, not in big ways, but in deliciously small ones.

Here's my first itty bitty area on the agenda.

It's the little corner and backsplash behind my kitchen sink. Usually, it's a graveyard for things that don't quite fit in the sink. But not anymore! As I spend quite a bit of time at this location, I decided to make it a little more, shall we say, inspirational? I had the big girls fill a planter I had with African Daisies (how appropriate, right?) and then I grabbed a few lovely and divinely inspired items I had around the house for my eyes to rest on frequently.

The first is a statue of the Holy Family. I've written about this much loved statue on the Ark before.
Here's the attractive plaque given to me by one of my thoughtful friends, showing a most favorite scripture.
Coming next week...a frugal find on a set of dishes inspires me beyond the pale of paper plates!


Suzanne said...

Oh Jane it is all lovely! Since we spend a good deal of the time at the sink the Scripture plaque and statue are pretty to gaze upon and remember who we do this work for:-)

tamlovesran said...

You have created a lovely corner in your home. It would even be a good spot to put a Bible on a bookstand and every time you're at the sink you could fit some Bible reading into your day.

Be blessed!


Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

That's a great idea, Tammy! Now, if I could only find a waterproof bible! ;-)

God Bless,

Ginny said...

I want to know more about your frugal find. We really need some new dishes!

Cathy Santarsiero, "The Christmas Corgi" said...

Hi Jane! You did a great job! I love your Holy Family statue, too. Happy Monday! Cat ^..^

Anonymous said...

My mother-in law always makes sure that the table is set properly for the evening meal. Since we started to follow her example, our family meal 'togetherness time' is special- even on bad days. The setting is always pleasing, even if the food is not great or some of the company is less than cheerful! With 8 sporty kids, it also draws us TO the table (more or less) together, when practically speaking, it might be easier to feed people at different times. The table is set - people show up! We often set an extra place or two, and its amazing how often we're blessed with 'surprise' company!