"Noah did that, he did all that God commanded him." Genesis 6:22
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
And I couldn't forget...
the photo of my first baby on his 12th birthday in front of the hospital where he was born.
According to his Dad, this moment is also captured on our digital recorder, including the part where he left a little bit of himself so that Germany will never forget him! I'm serious, he just doesn't react to time change well...
Sniffle, sniffle. P, you're so grown up!
I sure hope your dad took you to the rib castle and taught you the most important german a 12-year-old needs to survive: Ein Weissen Bier Bitte!
They went to Fido's (fee-dough's) in Frankfurt and the boy came home with a newly acquired taste for schnitzel...but, fortunately, not for weis bier)!
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