Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Column

You can read my new column at the Beacon-News today: One Voice, One Song, One World.


Anonymous said...

Very nice article Jane. So glad you are back!! You have quite a gift as a writer, keep up the good work!

TD said...

Love this article Jane! My favorite quote is "The people of Africa are a beautiful, noble people who need not a handout, but a hand up." I really loved the African's Children's Choir and am so glad you are giving them more exposure. And I agree with the previous comment, you are truly a gifted writer.

darci said...

wow, jane, i literally broke out in goosebumps reading this. it was a beautiful article. We saw the AFrican children's choir last year..amazing, so beautiful. we were just listening to the cd last night in fact.

Easter Almuena said...

Well written with a gentle touch of love. I am very proud of you, Jane!