Friday, April 10, 2009

Movie Review: Come What May

Set against the beautiful, lush backdrop of Patrick Henry College in Virginia, Come What May is a movie with a message. Modeling the success of such films as Fireproof and Facing the Giants, Advent Film Group offers Come What May as their debut project.
Not afraid to walk the talk of their own message to "Do The Right Thing" even when it may mean the difference between success and failure, Come What May crafts its plot around one of the most controversial issues of our time--abortion.
Based on a real experience in the Moot Court debates, the story combines a strong, Christian message of choosing virtue over popular opinion with courtroom drama.
At just over ninety minutes, the film length did not deter my younger daughters (ages 10 and 11) who joined our family (minus the 10 and under crowd) we previewed the movie together. Even though the movie tackled a tough topic, the film was done tastefully and at no time were there any inappropriate moments that I felt concerned about my pre-teen daughters seeing. In fact, the integrity and virtue of the female lead, Rachel, was encouraging to see in a contemporary movie.
The story's plot, albeit a bit transparent, served its purpose in sending a greater message. Throughout the film, there were moments when the acting seemed a little wooden, but certainly not enough to detract from the story line. And given the fact that the cast was a group of 40 home-schooled students (which I didn't realize until the credits began to roll), it was quite impressive.
The only moment where the film missed its mark, was when one of the characters tearfully reveals a painful secret about an abortion. In that scene, and as a movie aiming to portray a strong pro-life message, the reaction from the other characters should have been more charitable. One flaw of the pro-life movement is to become so attentive to the life and rights of the unborn baby that the woman's needs are overlooked. If we're going to say we stand for life--we need to stand for all life--including that of a woman who needs support and encouragement and the reminder that God loves her, too.
By and large, however, Come What May is like a seasoned trial lawyer, delivering a solid closing argument to close its case:

“My father was right. If you don’t believe your wife is precious, you won’t cherish her. If you don’t believe love is best when it’s pure and new, you won’t wait patiently for it. If you don’t believe the baby in the womb is the living handiwork of God, you’ll do nothing to protect it. What do you believe?”
-Caleb Hogan (played by Austin Kearney) in “Come What May”

You can view the trailer below:

1 comment:

Amy Jo said...

Wow, Jane, thanks for posting the review & trailer. I haven't heard about this movie yet. It looks good! I loved Fireproof. :-) A cast of homeschoolers?!? Love it! Sweet blessings on Good Friday and praying that your Easter Sunday is especially blessed.