Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Although written many months ago, I can quickly recall the NCR article by Melinda Selmys teeming with anti-adoption rhetoric.
Some of you may recall my response to her (as well as many of your own eloquent articulations) as to the many fallacies presented in her column.
Well, in a random act of googling this afternoon, I discovered that my letter to the editor had been printed! As had another Ark reader---check them out here.


darci said...

very good! i remember that article, too. good to read the responses! it's interesting, now that we are in the process of adopting, how everyone feels called to share any 'horror story' they've ever heard about adoption/kids..i just try to shrug it off like those 'oh you're pregnant, let me tell you my horrible labour story' things.love darci

Ericka said...

Very thought-full letters.
Darci, your wisdom on adoption 'horror' stories is a great analogy :)

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

So true, Darci. AND...often times those "horror" stories aren't even first-hand accounts. You know..."I heard about a woman who adopted a child who turned out to be her own mother and had a criminal record a mile long that they didn't.even.know.about...and then,what happened next was even worse than...



Michelle said...

Jane, thanks for sharing the link. I'm praying the author of the letter has a change of heart.